Costly Direction

Just finished watching "The Game Plan". Wanted to watch it when the trailer was screened in the cinema but never got down to it. Looked funny. But kinda glad I didn't pay to catch it then. It wasn't funny at all cuz everything was too predictable. Never thought Dywane Johnson could do drama. He's too tough and stiff-faced for the heart stuff, I guess.

COMPASS is getting expensive. A tad bit too much and might even kill the hopes of doing more performances at casual platforms like Library Podium. In general, it costs less to do a ticketed indoor concert then one that's free. The copyright fees' gonna cost more than the expenses of 7 Library Podium shows add together. Non-lyrical public performances used to be free with the right terms and conditions adhered to. Apparently the lawyers just changed their mind.

Fortunate move for the composers and authors I guess. But maybe less people would use their works eventually. It's an irony, but the less law-abiding people would probably patronize their works more, if they are any good, that is.



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