Not Making Sense

Talk about alcohol, I was introduced to this ice cream place - Island Creamery - at Serene Centre this afternoon. They have local delights (desserts) as flavours for their selections. One of them is Tiger Sorbet and Kahlua something... I was impressed at how beer-like the Tiger Sorbet tasted. We tried others like Pulut Hitam, Fresh Banana, Coconut Swirl, Teh Tarik, Horlick, blah blah blah. Interesting.

After the session I decided to get the 500ml tubs, one each for the Horlick and Pulut Hitam flavours to bring to Mui's house as a small contribution at my nephew Keith's birthday. It's a no-fuss, family only dinner and chill-out session. Turns out that my eldest sis bought brownie-like birthday cake so it was a good match with my ice cream. As usual, David and wife are manning their pasta stall so only the 2 boys were there. I miss his pan-fried pasta. Made a few wasted impromptu trips to the stall cuz they were closed, even though those were usual days they were supposed to be open...sianz

Jump topic...

I'm beginning to suspect that my sense of smell is getting a bit haywired. Cuz sometimes, all of a sudden, I would smell cigarette smoke. At first I thought there were people smoking along my unit's corridor outside my room. But everytime I would find no one when I open the window. This has gone on for many occasions starting, I think, this year. I didn't think much of it until last week, I smelt the same thing when I was seated at my workstation in my office.



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