Tired Out!

Oh, has it been 2 weeks? Man, time flies when you're occupied.

So tired!!! This is the 3rd consecutive week that I've been staying back late at work almost every weekday.

Just when I thought that my busy period would end yesterday, I need to go back school to clear the concert logistics with my students at 10 in the morning. Well, at least they are quite responsible to want to do it, ticket money all tally, so I'm quite willing to sacrifice my sleep-in with them.

Very pleased that both my Band and Malay Arts Group concerts did really well in their ticket sale. Both events were quite successful, too.

Besides the logistics work, I still need to go back again on Sunday at 8am. 8AM eh!!! Wah piang...another of my groups have been engaged to perform for some product launch at the Singapore Flyer. They better don't be late...haha, scally I'm the one who's late! Ahaha! :S


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