Winds Of Change

My so-called first day at work today (070708) since my official MC from 16 June. Early in the morning, open email and got a shock.

Ok, the first shocking encounter was to see my colleague's shaven head. She did 'pre-warn' us over the weekend that she actually did it. She and my recently ex-ed colleague went to support the cancer movement or something. She looks good, actually. From the picture, the other one looks quite okay, too. Makes me feel like shaving mine...though I must confess that it wouldn't be for the same cause. Anyway, I may not look good with the shape of my head. That's what's holding me back.

Quite a few of my colleagues have either resigned or in the midst of completing their one month after tendering notice. One is transferring back to becoming a lecturer at BUS again. I wouldn't say I wasn't the least moved by all the going out's. A few recent events have also left me discouraged and wondering if I actually have what it takes to do a good job. This kind of feeling would dawn on me occasionally at different degree.

Average once in 2 years I would toy with the idea of changing my position...but it hasn't happened...yet. I've told myself that unless I hear clearly from the One above, or that there's departmental shifting, I would remain where I am. Even the tough and trying times would be seen as 'trials and tribulations' that I need to overcome. They are all within God's control and all for my own good. Apparently there's still many spiritual truths I need to learn through working where I am.

Well, I've gone out of my department, worked at another office and then got transferred back again. Sometimes I wonder if I should have mentioned that I want to go back to student development work.

Ok lah, one step at a time, huh! Ya, one day at a time ba.


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