Invasion Of Personal Space

It's almost 3am in the morning and I find myself unable to sleep. This has been quite a long drawn condition that is affecting me in many aspects. And sooner or later, it will affect, or perhaps it has already affected, my health. Well, I know at least my mental health is beginning to deteriorate. I think my "RAM" is at an all-time low. Please forgive me if my short-term memory fail on me...

So, as usual, I parked myself onto the sofa, switched on my cable, channel hop for awhile before settling on Grey's Anatomy. The final narration by the character of Meredith caught my attention, "Sometimes, that invasion of personal space is exactly what we need."

All of us, at one point or the other, have experienced relationships that caused us to build barriers around our hearts. Sometimes the damage done could be so great that bringing down the barriers would seem impossible towards the person who hurt us, or even anybody around us. The resistance to connect at a personal level becomes so great that it made it easy to get used to behaving this way.

It's like a reflex action. When someone gets too close, physically or emotionally, we immediately back off, turn cold with indifference, or send signals to others so they would feel awkward closing in, and naturally step back as well. We become protective of our personal space and guard any such invasion meticulously. There is a false sense of security and independence because we think that we can manage on our own without anybody's help or care. And sometimes, the signals we send could cause hurt like darts of rejection, without us even knowing.

I believe, though, that we are not made this way. We are created to connect and desire connection. To resist that is to go against our make up. Keeping up with all the shunning can be very tiring and unhealthy for the soul. But then, we've gotten so used to it that we are not readily aware of what's lacking in us.

Our Maker knows us and I believe that He sometimes put us in situations, or allow our paths to cross with certain people, to bring out that desire within us to yearn another. With God, we know for sure that resistance is futile. We should know better not to insist that He let us have our way. His thoughts and ways are far higher than ours. The Bible expressed that His foolishness is still far greater in wisdom than that of the world's wisest.

So if we really know what's best for ourselves, we should keep our options open to allow Him to do His work in us. Sometimes it would mean forgiveness, and sometimes it would mean to be humble and ask for forgiveness. And all of the time, it would mean opening ourselves to be vulnerable in loving and receiving affection.

In conclusion, let's not be too jumpy about protecting our personal space. Because, like what Meredith realised, sometimes, that invasion of personal space is exactly what we need.

Having said that, at this moment, I do need my personal space. I'm going to sleep. ZZZzzzz...

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