A Friendly Dream

It was just an afternoon nap. So tired from the gathering last night and only managed to hit the bed after 2am. Went to Church for rehearsal at 10am. ZZzzzz...not enough sleep... Then it was home for lunch and a drive to Mui's for a trim. I think I can get used to driving. Reminds me of the times in Perth where everyday was an almost 30km drive to and from campus. While waiting for the hairdresser to come, the sofa in the guest room proved to be irresistible.

So I dreamt of you. That we were what normal friends should be. In the dream you gave a hand of assurance on my shoulder, and your leaning over to seek comfort. I felt it signified a 2-way expression of friendship. But like most of my dreams, as I think about it, the details fade away. I only remembered that things seemed to go back to how it is now - till now I'm still perplexed but I'm just leaving my emotions to God and let rational thinking set in. This is just an aspect of growth I need to go through.

Whatever that's happening to this part of my life these past months, to some it may be trivial, but only God knows my make up and what's been going on within me - the turmoil, the confusion, the breaking and the mending. I thank God that He has been faithful, helping me ever so gently and patiently to overcome what I need victory over, and even letting me pick up treasures in the dark places where I would never see have I not been there.

By Don Moen

Verse 1:
All that I am, all that I have
I lay them down before You, oh Lord
All my regrets, all my acclaims
The joy and the pain, I'm making them Yours

Lord, I offer my life to You
Everything I've been through
Use it for Your glory
Lord I offer my days to You
Lifting my praise to You
As a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer You my life

Verse 2:
Things in the past, things yet unseen
Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true
All of my hopes, all of my plans
My heart and my hands are lifted to You

What can we give
That You have not given?
And what do we have
That is not already Yours?
All we possess are these lives we're living
That's what we give to You, Lord

If this is how much you can deal with, I will not give you pressure for more out of you. I just want you to know that I will be a friend for you, always.

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