Bored Identity

Less recently, I find myself more in need of my personal space, of inactivity, of rest, of understanding myself. Maybe it's time for a sabbatical to gain fresh perspective of life. I've been working at the same place, doing the same thing for 10 years - and this is my first job since I graduated. Oh my, oh my, I can't believe that I just entertained a shooting thought of taking up a course. This is NOT good!

Am I experiencing identity crisis?

Okay, let's look up identity crisis:
1. a period or episode of psychological distress, often occurring in adolescence but sometimes in adulthood, when a person seeks a clearer sense of self and an acceptable role in society.

2. a psychosocial state or condition of disorientation and role confusion occurring especially in adolescents as a result of conflicting internal and external experiences, pressures, and expectations and often producing acute anxiety.

3. a psychosocial state or condition of disorientation and role confusion occurring especially in adolescents as a result of conflicting pressures and expectations and often producing acute anxiety. least it's better than my prior attempt to define my condition as mid-life crisis.

Perhaps I'm experiencing burnout, just needing a break. Come before the throne of grace and position myself to receive His living word to cleanse me and refresh my soul once again. Seek the Lord for direction, a sober mind and peace. A timely activity at this time of the year. Just hope it won't evolve to futility.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7

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