Twins' Birthday

Today is Rachel & Roy's 6th birthday. Can't believe that they're going Primary 1 next year! These 2 are the youngest of my lot of nephews and nieces. Mom has assigned herself to stay at my 大姐's at the other end of Singapore to help take care of them cos their daddy is always away on business.

Well, I get to be home alone most of the time. Mom do come home during the weekends sometimes and she's a regular Church goer at Katong Presbyterian Church. So, I get the best of both worlds, really. Part-time independent living...hur hur!

Anyway, my other 姐夫 came to pick me and 二姐 up from TP and we head off to 大姐's house. All the kids were there. The parents always make it a point to let them come for such gatherings, even if they can't make it themselves. It's always good to see my precious 7 long as they don't make me play "murderer" and "chop-chilli-chop" kind of games with them. Haiyah, so tired already...but what to do. Come to think of it...I also had my share of fun. We laughed like crazy playing the 20-cent game.

One very interesting tiny incident...while we were in between games, I was just staring blankly out of tiredness and only Keith observed it. He asked, "小小姨, how come you look so sad?" This child never fails to make my heart melt. He's only 12 years old. A kind soul with a big heart, open and ready to share. I pray that God would shield his heart so that he would never be afraid to love through tough times and despite disappointments and hurts.

Grandma & Her Favourite 7
(Back to front; L to R): Don, Joanna, Sean, Jodie, Keith, Roy, Mom, Rachel

Grandma & Her Favourite 7 (now you can see Don)

Twins Cutting Their Birthday Cake

After the cake-cutting...time to go home. This same 姐夫 (Keith's daddy) gave me a lift to TP bus-stop. I needed to pick up my repaired clarinet from Kenneth. Finally!!! After a long 3 weeks, it's finally back from the workshop.

Kenneth was kind enough to help me receive the instrument from Sean, the repair guy from Windworks, as I had to leave early that day to the party. The repair job totalled to $250! Thank God there’s more bonus coming into my payroll this month.

Thanks wor, Kenneth! :) Thanks also for helping me to test my clarinet with my new mouthpiece. At least I’m more assured that the repair is ok and the mouthpiece is indeed good. I'll work hard to rectify my terrible articulation, amongst all the other aspect I need to work on. I hope I'm nowhere near a plateau in my learning curve yet.



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