If Grace Has A Face

In the Christian context, which is where I remembered I was first taught about it, grace is the unmerited favour of God. It's His to give as He pleases. I can't do anything to gain that favour. It wouldn't be what it is if I could. I just have to accept it and take Him at His word that if I confess and repent, I will be forgiven.

With that as the foundation, I have learnt to give grace to others. Not so much because I am a kind soul - that would be giving myself too much credit - but because God first showed me His grace. I can offer forgiveness for, or overlook, others' flaws even when I am an innocent victim of their weakness because my Abba Father first initiated the ultimate redemption with the blood of His only Son, Jesus Christ. If it had not been for His grace, there could never be any form of relationship between me and my Creator.

I can love because He first loved me. His love for me causes me to love Him and desire to please Him, which makes it easier for me to forgive others...because that would be His will. In other words, we need to give grace as much as others need it from us.

So if grace has a face, would it be yours?

PS: Pride comes before destruction.


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