Excuse Me, Are You Turning Into A Band Concert Freak?
Believe me when I say that I've watched more Band concerts out of TP compound in the past quarter (first being Mus'art Wind Orchestra @ Beautiful Sunday on 14 Apr 07) than I've ever had in my life. No, I'm not exaggerating. I even went for the SSO @ Botanic Garden.

But why this random thought? Well, besides the fact that I went for another Mus'art concert this evening, it was also because a former TP Band VP commented, when he saw me at the door to VCH, that he didn't know I would come for such concerts. I pondered a little over this simple remark - the truth about it. He was right. For the previous 5 years that TP Band was under my charge, I can't remember if I've been to any outdoor band concert except for the year when we had the chance to hold our annual concert at Jubilee Hall.
The picture above was taken after Mus'art @ Beautiful Sunday. So many of us went to support Wei Jie and Li Hong.
Actually my concert-going experience would have had an earlier start on 11 Mar 07 if I had not regretfully missed the SMU Concert. I actually bought the ticket but gave it away, thinking that I was not able to make it. But worship rehearsal for Zion Convention ended earlier than expected and I can't possibly take back what I've given. It just didn't occur to me that I might be able to get another one at the door. Sigh... I'm so determined to go for the next one when it comes by again. All the more because Kenneth would be playing...my 'cher leh. Must support support what.
I think my entry on 10 Jun 07, entitled "I'm Falling In Love" kind of says it all.
Kenneth visited Cornerstone today. Went lunch together with Jing Ting after accompanying her to Christianity 101. It's her last class this week so the following Sunday, we can go straight to lunch with cell group after 2nd service. Hope that Kenneth can join us again!