I Have The Sweetest Band Kids!

This entry is dedicated to my TP Band Darlings in AY07/08.

Thanks so much for the clarinet mouthpiece. I was truly surprised. I didn't expect a whole-band 'conspiracy' and to get the B40 as a present. Needless to say, I was delighted.

Have been bugging Li Hong to find out the price for me from Band World. I was wondering...why did he take so long? Week after week, he would say he didn't managed to go to the shop to enquire for me. I was tired of waiting and so called up the shop myself. I got the price and was ready to buy. Then on Sunday he finally told me he would go down to the shop, and so I waited some more to see if it could be any cheaper.

Actually...he had already enquired much earlier. Their work of 'conspiracy' apparently started since SL Workshop on 22 June. So with all my bugging, they were afraid that I might go and buy it myself. Hence, my birthday present is given to me 11 days early.

You all very sweet leh...I was nearly with tears. Early in the day was feeling a bit depressed. In the afternoon, thanks to Hilyah who cheered me up. Kenneth's playing through his under-the-weather condition also helped, probably without him knowing. Then in the evening, I came back to the Band Room from a very dear colleague's mother's wake. Emotional state = vulnerable state. I think I was too surprised at that moment, also don't know how to react. And they still made me sing my own birthday song...cos ya, I got good voice huh??? I was only able to hold one stanza...'heng' they let me off, otherwise sure drop tears. All in all, my loves, I was really quite overwhelmed. It did a lot for me at that moment. More than how much I was in the state of mind to be conscious off.

This present is a great encouragement to me. I have been learning the clarinet since early May this year. If my records were correct, it was on 5 May that I had my first proper lesson with Kenneth, even though I only bought my second-hand (possibly 3rd) clarinet on 070507. Doesn't feel like it's only been 2 months. Sure feels longer. Maybe too much things have happened in between.

I started learning with a fingering chart. The first piece of music chosen for me was "Beauty & The Beast", followed by "Blue Ridge Saga", and then "Ammerland". My favourite is BRS, even now. Last Saturday I went back to the Band Room after morning worship rehearsal in Church, I tried Mulan. Then Kenneth let me try "Pomp Circumstance". It was really fun...but I was almost deafened by my own high D. Squeak, squeak!

Many of the band members have helped me along, too. Li Hong sometimes listen and correct my tone and articulation. Many others have encouraged me. Some by playing with me (e.g. Huizhen), some by 'cho-cho-ing' me to play for them (Wayne, Fairuz & Jackson). Others gave suggestions and some with words of encouragement (e.g. Jing Ting, Grace, Wee Gek). Some by simply just hanging out together. Your friendship and laughter :) I thank God for the prior exposure to music theory and all my singing experiences. It helps me to sight-read and sight-sing the pieces and gave me an advantage over my learning process.

Wah, sounds a bit like award speech and I haven't even thank my father, my mother, TP, SAA...zzzZZZ...

Thanks again, my darlings. This birthday present from you - the Vandoren B40 Clarinet Mouthpiece - you won't know how much it's doing to motivate me to continue in my clarinetting, and my work as a Student Development Officer.

God bless you all!


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