True Grace


Didn't realise that it's so late now. Just got back not long ago from shopping with Fayanne. It was probably the 3rd time I could remember driving downtown. The last time was a trip with Kenneth to get his PSP - an advance birthday present. I'm glad that it's still serving him well now.

Today's was at the next door building at Wheelock Place. Well, we didn't exactly shop there but just parked and walked opposite to Shaw House. She went for her MNG sale while I went Isetan to use up my $20 voucher. Nothing worth getting for the Band Christmas gift exchange. I ended up spending $70 above the voucher value at the supermarket downstairs. Ahaha...

"So what did you buy at your downtown shopping?" "Erm...groceries..." Faint...

We did walk back to Wheelock for dinner, though. Can I just say...the Sakae there tasted horrible. Probably not going to patronize this restaurant at any outlet anytime soon.

I enjoyed the company though.

Truth hurts like hell, sometimes. But wouldn't you rather live liberated by truth than with deception? Yet, if truth be told, perhaps consider delivering it with grace.

"Grace without truth deceives people, and ceases to be grace. Truth without grace crushes people, and ceases to be truth.

Any attempt to "soften" the gospel by minimizing truth ultimately keeps the world from grace. Any attempt to "toughen" the gospel by minimizing grace keeps the world from the greatest truth—His redemptive work on man's behalf. Christ went to the cross, in the ultimate act of grace, because He would not ignore the truth of His holiness and our sin. Grace never ignores or violates truth—rather, it offers restitution and joy by satisfying Truth's demands. ("Go and sin no more.")"

- Randy Alcorn


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