Something's Missing...

I saw this picture on Pst Mark Ritchie's blog that made me laugh. Thought I'd share it with you.

Poor reindeers...wonder where they flew to...ahaha!

So I was told that Parmesan Oregano and Italian bread at Subway only comes in foot-long. So I ended up having Hearty Italian bread for supper on Monday. KBoxing and Waraku dinner is so much for wanting to spend less that day.

Oh, absence does make the heart grow fonder. I suppose that's true for people who have a special place in our heart. You start remembering all the good things and the unpleasant ones begin not to matter anymore. Ok, this is not exactly related, but I wonder if that's how it is in Jesus' parable of the prodigal son. How much the Father must have missed his wayward son and yearned for his return despite him squandering all his inheritance away. As long as he's back, it's a cause for celebration.

Then we can only hope that those we love and miss do not regard us in the "out of sight, out of mind" category. That would be sooooo sad. But what to do? Keep on hoping meh? No need kua...

Have a Muji Christmas?

Christmas, like Chinese New Year, is losing it's meaning. I'm getting all nostalgic again. Must be the lethargy kicking in after lunch. The office is half a ghost town with most people clearing leave. All my bosses not around, my section's just left with me for the rest of the day.

Aiyah...ok, ok, lunch break's up. Back to work!

Ganbatte! p(>.<)q


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