Sunday Night Movie

I looked at the clock in my car when I drove into the carpark. 6.50pm. But I was prepared for the light-less void deck, but it wasn't as dark as my previous encounter. Would have got home earlier. But I had dinner with the band kids just now. Well, that kinda forced me to log off and drive to DES carpark. Ready to head off after dinner.

Oh I went to catch the movie - The Days - at Sinema Old School. I booked the ticket for yesterday's re-run at 8.30pm and was glad that it was with the 'Talk-Back' session. Ivan was there with most of the actors, including the Director, Boi Kwang, whose life story is portrayed in this movie. Ivan was apparently surprised to see me there. Told him I had wanted to support him when it was first screened at the cinemas. When he introduced me to the Director, he thought I was Ivan's classmate!!??? I was like...???

Anyway, after the 'Talk-Back', I was delighted when I was given the super big poster and since the cast was there, I asked for all their autographs, including Ivan's, of course. fun...but I was super shy lah. Some more I was alone leh. Haha... But they were very obliging so I didn't have to try too hard. There were not many people to contend for the autograph to begin with cos it was a small-seating theatre. Bought the soundtrack for half the usual price (cos it was in conjunction with the screening). I even pre-ordered the DVD. Very supportive right? :)

Nicholas, the owner of Sinema Old School and our TP alumni, was also there editing some takes for his new movie - Basketballet. I'm looking forward to watch that when it is released. But not so soon though. Probably 2010? Had a good chat with him and left only around midnight.

Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe was quite empty when I drove there for my dinner/supper. Had the whole section to myself :) It was a peaceful meal. to watch more movies...on DVDs! Woohoo!


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