Dependence Day

Wed, 18 Jun 08. That was when I injured my left foot playing tennis and had to stay home fo 3 full weeks. (That's one thing good about blogging. It allows me to dig out my posts quite easily with a few keyword search.) Vividly remember that it was due to playing tennis with a few of my colleagues under the FIT programme organised by our HR. I went back to the office on 7 Jul 10

Sun, 4 July 10, 2 years after I recovered from my left foot, my right foot received a similar sprain. Still yet to affirm if it could be a fracture like I had on my left during the 911 period 9 years ago.

Past few weeks I had been nursing a strain on this foot due to over exertion. I pieced a few things together and kind of gathered that was the case. Today, I went to see another doctor recommended by a colleague and he said it could be gout. He asked me to get it checked for fracture tomorrow (since it's Sunday today) and later to ascertain the condition.

Thanks to Gayle who spent the whole afternoon with me since end of 2nd service. Sat with me, drove me to the doctor at Golden Landmark, had late lunch with me driving through Carls Jnr, then send me to Mui's house, the previous place of refuge 2 years ago.

I wonder what the few episodes pertaining to my foot would have indicated if it is a reflection of my walk with God.

When I see the sunshine
When I see the sky
When I see the birds fly
My eyes could but cry
For I know there’s a God
And I know for me He cares
I know
Yes, I know

Seasons come and go
Just like the wind do they blow
But my Saviour’s love
To me forever flows
Today I found this God alive
He has given me peace of mind
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
He will always be my Lord of all


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