Closer Still

Pink cast with green shoe to keep it clean...

It's the fourth day since I had my new cast. TTSH did a good job. Not that I have a lot of experience to compare with, but a little googling tells me that what I have on right now are not plaster cast but one of fiberglass material. And it's in pink! Haha... I'm not crazy over pink but it did put a smile on my face when mine was put on. And it went well with my pink malindi crocs I bought recently. My doctor said they have the cast in different colours, but I'm not sure if he was joking. I'll find out if I need to change it at my next follow up visit on 29 Jul.

The cast I was put on on my first visit was done at the Emergency Dept. It was what the hospital called a below knee backslab, covering only the sole and a bit on the side, then right up to the calf. The whole cast was supported by bandages around the foot to below the knee level. That cast was heavier than my current full cast. Instead of bandages on the outside, the fiberglass cast itself is a wrap around, bandage-like application that firms up when it dries. Very quickly too.

The only similarity is, both types of casts are not applied directly onto the skin. It's on top of a bandage legging. The lower grade one at the Emergency Dept caused me itch in less than 24 hours. It was so severe that I had it removed on day 2 and left it open till my first follow up on Monday. Without it, I could limp on it, though, it was not a very good idea. Apparently, especially so because this was not a hairline fracture like my first one on the other foot. There was a little separation which needs to be secured in position at all times for it to heal properly. So a full cast was inevitable anyway, but I thank God that the irritation is minimal.

Getting ready to hit the shower. A daily affair to protect the cast from getting wet! :D

Oh, I moved back home after the doctor's visit on Monday. Braved the 2 storeys of stairs down from tenth to eighth floor. Bought a pair of crutches (short distance) and borrowed a nice wheelchair (long distance) for going to work when I get better. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm gonna try. Soon, I hope. It's really difficult working from home. Maybe I can go back on Saturdays where nobody's in the office. Walking with the crutches with only one foot has proved to be challenging though. TP is such a huge compound and my office is so deep in. Sigh...long story, with much considerations.

Mom has been taking really good care of me these few weeks since my foot was hurting before the fracture. I haven't had her around consecutively for so many weeks for a long time. Since she stayed my sister's 9 years ago. Anyway, she was already not feeling well since Sunday but fell quite ill yesterday, dizzy and vomiting. Leng was so worried that she called David who stays a few blocks away, to accompany mom at the clinic. In the afternoon, Leng came by all the way from her house and bought us lunch. She stayed awhile, helped to clean up the house a bit, and cooked minced pork porridge for dinner before she left around 5 plus.

There's a Chinese saying that says "遠親不如近鄰" so I'm really thankful to have both "遠親" and "近親". I hope we sisters and brother will stay close-knitted forever, and all my nephews and nieces!


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