Counter Offer

No, I didn't get an offer for me to counter. Why would I decline my 'dream' job? Haha...

I was asked to cover my office counter (a.k.a. reception desk) yesterday while the rest were busy about for CCA Awards Ceremony at TCC. Thanks to my foot condition which still allowed me to drive to school, I'm now actualizing this fantasy to do customer service.

Well, not that my real job does not involve customer service, and reception work is not exactly some brainless and stress-free duty either. Maybe I like it cos I know it's not my real job. It's doing something different. Hmmm... it's like getting to enjoy playing with somebody's kid and get to return to them when the crying or whining starts. Ahahahaha...

At least I could contribute to the event by releasing all non-disabled staff and I felt less guilty for having to absent myself. Nobody is indispensable, but it is vital that everyone plays their role well. So I'm quite grateful that I could still be a part of it.

So I've been indulging myself in Korean drama while I was stuck at home for the past few days. It has been moments of in-and-out-of-reality experience. Haha... It is amazing how we can be detached from one state of mind into another when our senses are captivated and our heart and mind engaged. Mood changes, and just for those moments, even what's depressing can be forgotten.

Maybe that's how most people would cope during tough times, when the one's spirit is down. Suicide would be the extreme to those who have no more courage to live through another day.

Aiyo, how come my post become so morbid??!!! Emo sey! Ok, detach, detach! Cut down Korean drama already!!! I know, watch the funny ones. They're usually very good. I think our local productions should seriously look into the speaking ability of the actors before casting them. Some of them, once they speak, you feel like switching channels. Having said that, I also don't know how good the actors in the Korean drama are speaking their own language. Sekali some also cannot make it. I read subtitle only. Lol!!!

I'm on leave today because of my foot again. Getting a bit worried of this prolonged state...


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