Come On And Calibrate

I'm feeling so tired for the past few weeks. And recently with health issues both parents are going through, I'm affected with ferrying the folks to and from hospital - 2 different places. This is the first time I have been assigned to do such tasks and it doesn't help when both are not staying with me.

Other things around me have been giving quite a bit of stress. Car, phone, CNY obligations, work and anything relationship-related. Plus it's the time of the monthly biological cycle that I get easily tensed about things. There's a limit to how many groups of people a person can commit to. I think I've reached my limit. I'm feeling choked.

A colleague put it right that it's like we have so many plates to spin so no matter what, we need to be careful to do the rounds so that every plate stays spinning on the rod. We only have 24 hours a day. I'm in desperate need of a break.

Perhaps I need to be pulled out of my need to be in solitude. Maybe I'm too contented with just spending my time the way I want to. When I'm imposed upon by others to do things not 'on the way', or not according to my schedule. I'm easily ticked off. Give me a break!

God, please enlarge my heart. I don't want to close myself up just to make myself feel comfortable and become complacent. Resolve it within me so that I can freely worship You.

I need to be emotionally and spiritually calibrated.


The event happening on the public stage in front of my block is killing me. Super irritating cos the performances really cmi. The town council or whoever rents out the premise should preview the items so as not to cause public nuisance to innocent residents forced to listen to crap music. Closing all my windows is a failed attempt to block the noise. I hope they don't go all the way to 11pm. Argh!!!



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