Heal My Heart And Make It Clean

God knows I need it. I'm desperate, more than I can admit it. More than I am conscious of it. Only God knows how much I am dying without it.

And I felt it today. He did not let me go. He did not leave me alone in "Numb Numb Ville". It's strange to say this, and even sounds a bit cheesy. But I feel that He went there to find me. I got lost and He found me. His hope led me out, giving me the courage to move out of the counterfeits and into what could really satisfy.

Let Your compassion fill my heart and awaken my soul. May I desire more and more each day to see You glorified in me and through me. Help me to stop being so caught up with my own needs. Open my eyes to see the world through Yours and enlarge my heart to understand what breaks Yours. Compel me to go. Get me out of my complacency and apathy, and respond to what really matters.

Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Let me not settle for anything less.


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