Another Incomplete Reunion

Last year it was mom and everyone visited her and had a mini reunion dinner at TTSH's visitors' lounge. This year, dad couldn't make it. He's also staying at TTSH. If not for mom who was recovering from the operation she underwent a month ago and couldn't move around too much; if not for the fact that dad's was an accident and we had already planned (food and all) to have reunion dinner at Peck's, we would have done it again. We had time to prepare for mom's admission.


So my plan was to sleep in on Saturday morning. At least till 10am before I do my final lot of spring cleaning and then fetch Dad, David and Sean to Peck's house for Reunion Dinner. But I was awakened at 8plus. Mui called to say that dad is in pain and wanted to be sent to the hospital.

I pulled myself out of sleepy state and rushed down to pick him up. On the night of his fall, Peck brought him to get an x-ray at CGH. The doctor couldn't find anything wrong. The pain must have been unbearable, cos dad was adamant about not going back to CGH this time so I drove him to A&E at TTSH. He went through another x-ray and the doctor there located fracture mark on 2 of his ribs. He needed to be admitted for observation to ensure the fracture didn't cause any harm to his lungs or the fall didn't cause any further damage. How could the doctor at CGH missed such vital marks?

So that took the whole morning. By the time I got home, it was already 1.30pm. Did some vacuuming, mopping, washing and hanging clothes, etc. Felt so tired I didn't really feel like getting out of the house. Well, did so anyway. Drove all the way to Bukit Panjang...25km, man. Dinner was good. Shabu shabu :P~ But dad was not in this annual affair. So sad.

So mom came home with me after the LNY eve gathering. That meant I could stay at home and wait for everyone to come the following day. I didn't sleep in very much cos needed to help mom to prepare food. Supposed to check dad out from hospital, too. But when I called him, he said he wished to stay on. So I continued to help prepare food.

Everyone came, one family at a time. By noon, everyone had arrived. While mom cooked the staple, I was busy preparing side dishes. I think my crabstick mayo was quite a hit. I also toasted smoked cheese sausages, taiwan sausages, seaweed chicken and canned pacific clams with tobasco sauce. I'm glad they were all well-received. It makes me happy when people enjoy the food I prepare.

My small 3-room unit was filled with 18 people. Half of us are the 'dua-mao' type. (runs in the family) so it was rather cosy. And none were in the master bedroom, mind you. My 7 nieces and nephews mainly stayed in my room after 'breakfast'. For those who ever dared venture into my room, it's like the most cluttered place in the house. But my nephews and nieces would rather hang out there and leave the adults eating and chatting in the living room.

Since mom couldn't really travel much, she didn't go visiting, so I stayed home with my delight. Was thankful for the afternoon nap that I needed, after sending off a cousin and family who came to visit mom.

In the late evening, David and family came by to return the car and we had dinner together.

My house is back to semi lights out condition again. Thank God for Jenny's Christmas present, mom and I could still go to the dark places with the lamp in hand. See the little green smiley face lamp at the top left corner. Pow-wer!

God is still greatly to be praised.

Abba Father, open my eyes to see what's going on here. So that all the pain and inconveniences would not be in vain. I commit our lives and safety in Your hand. Thank You for family. Please take care of my dad in the hospital. Let his fractures heal rapidly and help him to bear with the pain. May he learn to put his trust in You. In Jesus' mighty name! Amen! (Please pray with me...)


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