Refuge By The Waters

So I don't need to go all the way to the beach to scream after all. Thanks to Kenneth, who suggested I scream IN the reservoir just at the 'backyard' of my workplace -.-"

Well, I didn't go diving this afternoon. But I did get myself high on McD's somewhat new Cadbury Black Forest McFlurry when I drove opposite to collect my dry cleaning. And since I was already there, I decided to get my all time favourite burger, the good old double cheese (w/o onion and ketchup).

Again, I parked myself at my favourite spot - the coach parking area opposite the Sports Complex, and cool myself down under the shades with the palatables. With a little quietness from within, a short phone call, I resolved the issue and see no need to drown anybody in the reservoir tonight... ahaha!

But the initial thought of the beach came back. The sun (with the clouds, please), sand, and sea are beckoning. Last Saturday, my eldest sis, Peck Hong, invited me to join the twins at East Coast Park. I was in between appointments and had a few hours to 'play with'. Was really thankful for a parking space and where they were was just a stone's throw away.

Roy and Rachel from where we were seated

Rachel pressing down on her hand prints

Roy Roy picking seashells

Alright, I'll download more of my heart and soul tonight... that is if I don't doze off 'accidentally' in front of Max from staying up till the wee hours of this morning.



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