
From Ashes To Beauty
By The Vine Band

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord
Is on me now
To love, to speak, to heal, to preach
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord
Is on me now
Giving life

You turn ashes to beauty
Mourning to dancing
Anguish to songs of praise

Pour Your Spirit over me
Let Your love rain down
Won't You take these hands of mine
And use me
Pour Your Spirit over me
Let Your love rain down
Would You take these feet of mine
And lead me

You lead me to the poor
That’s where You are
You lead me to the weak
That’s where You are
You lead me to the lost
That’s where You are
Lord I want to be
Where You are

I need inspiration for a change in my life. For health reasons - physical, mental and spiritual - for the purpose of a greater consecration. Be a new wine skin for the new wine that God is pouring down and allow God to use me and to multiply the 'talents' he has entrusted me with.

A change in lifestyle.

I need responsible words of advice, encouragement, tips. Keyword here is RESPONSIBLE. I think I have had a good share of words and comments given to my face, some random, some unwanted, mostly uninvited - all in the name of good intention.

As much as I want to break free from the negative, which I'm really trying very hard to consciously make the choice not to be affected or offended, instinctive emotional and cognitive responses are after all, instinctive. But I've gotten better at it - immunizing myself by redirecting those negative feelings to God and exchange them with His healing (and bandages) and choose a wise response.

Many times, there are treasures to pick from all these afflictions when we choose to flee even from the mere thoughts of self-pity. Plainly refusing to be a 'whine pot' - brewing and indulging in asking "why is this happening to me?" is a good start. Having a right thinking pattern - a cognitive habit that can be mastered with practice. More often than not, a vital response is to be blatantly honest with the self and to God. Above the hurt sometimes lies the truth that will set one free. ("Lies the truth" - what an oxymoronic phrase). So then there's a greater need to know one's identity in the Lord, focus on Him, and not be deceived by the lies of the devil who seeks to steal, kill and destroy.

From ashes to beauty, it's what God can do, it's a choice to 'let go and let God'.


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