It's My T-shirt

"Can I say something, and you don't be angry?"

"Eh, I tell you something, can? But promise me you won't be upset hor? You cannot be upset, k?"


What would be your respond to this kind of questions/requests? What kind of a disclaimer is this? You mean you're not going to be responsible for what you say? And you expect me to say, "Okay"!??

If you think it's going to upset me or make me angry, then don't ask. And if you think I would be upset with the information, why are you saying it in front of other people? And, plus you're not allowing me my rights to my feelings? That's not very nice, is it?

So what's your point? What are you going to do about the information you just downloaded on me? If it's a problem you think I have, are you willing to take time with me to help me solve it? If it's that important to me, don't say it like a passing remark and just walk away.

Or is it just YOUR point you're trying to put across? You just want to get it off your chest, but then expect me to hide my feelings 'in MY chest'?

CAN. Only if you really care...


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