Sniff Sniff

As much as I believe in confrontation, I never look forward to having one, unless it is to seek understanding, to improve my relationship with people I care about, and/or people whose opinions matter to me. Sometimes I'm a bit slow, but I don't like leaving things hanging. Not that those reasons make it any easier. In fact, those are harder to begin with, cos the stakes are higher. I mean, what if it doesn't turn out right? What if my intentions are misunderstood?

Perhaps it doesn't matter to the other person as much as it matters to me. Does that count? Guess I'm being selfish. Oh well...

It's a stay home for me today. Seems to have caught the bugs since Tuesday. Sneezed almost non-stop yesterday. By evening time before I left the office, I knew it was not going to be pretty the next morning. Gonna watch a few movies I bought that day. See how the rest of the day goes. Hope that Matrix isn't attracting any splashes from above. Just went for a quick wax and vacuum at the car wash last night. Be good, lil' birdies! Let me rest in peace, k?


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