National Day Week

Had 2 afternoons of rehearsals for 2 of my arts groups and myself. Yes, me...haha. Was invited to lead the whole group of student performers on stage and all in the audience for a finale item with another staff. It was quite a rush of emotions from the minute I was on standby. Thank God I didn't forget my lyrics. It's not like doing background vocals during Church service where the lyrics are flashed behind the congregation. Even though it was "We Are Singapore" - sing until teeth drop already (figuratively) - but stage fright can be quite...frightening, ahaha!

Actually my biggest worry was the super high notes at the pledge song - "so as to achieve HAPpiness, prosPErity, and PROGRESS FOR OUR NAtion!" It was unreachable during rehearsals, ok! I felt like I was killing some chickens. So I was quite delighted to be able to glide through those notes smoothly on Friday morning's National Day Celebration at Audi 1. Must be the vocal warm-up exercises I did before that.

Saturday, despite being a public holiday, I had to be in school at 7.30am! Wah, it was even earlier than the weekdays leh. All because one of students never pay attention at my Arts Leaders' Induction Camp and bypassed me and senior management's approval before agreeing to perform for one TP student's SIP event management project. Strangely, even though we had lots of free time before and after the 2 performance slots at 11.15am and 2.15pm, I didn't feel bored at all. Had quite a good time with the students, actually. My colleague (who suffered the same fate) and I went to view the 4 exhibitions on the history of Singapore's photographs, films, food, and fashion. Went Giant after the whole saga and did grocery shopping. That was the highlight of the day... ahaha! By the time I got back, I was super tired. Slept almost immediately when my head hit the pillow.

After 2nd Service and lunch with CG this afternoon, went to support Wei Jie's performance with Mus'art at Beautiful Sunday. Then we met up and went for ice-cream milkshake at Azabusoba at MSq. We shared this pan-fried beef and seafood ramen. Quite interesting, the way it was done. Typical taste of teriyaki and bonito flakes though... but it was very eggy :) After a good, long chat over good food, we bought some stuff at Muji, then we headed homeward. Me? Went to walk IKEA and Courts. Saw this Acer One notebook. Just like the ASUS EeePC, but less plastic-looking ;P $699. From far, it looked quite appealing. There were this 2 little girls hoarding the 2 display sets. Irritating.

Oh well, all in all it was an eventful week. Very sleepy already. More updates soon!


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