All In A Day

Can somebody please deliver that 'deadly iron palm' on me? Gosh! How could I forget to collect my Philwinds Concert tickets from SISTICS when I was hanging out opposite Esplanade today?!! Aiyo, wo de tian ah! I think I should go for a session of ECT (Electro-Convulsive Therapy) to send my brain cells for some dancing class. Too bad that's not exactly what it's used for. Oh well, maybe should just go for the traditional method - eat 'dun zhu nao' (double-boil pig's brain) to nourish my brain cells. Ahaha...

Trivia: Apparently, in the US market, there's this device described as the cranial electrotherapy stimulator to defeat fear by passing electricity through the brain and re-tuning cells. Can't be bothered to look up, but maybe there IS something in the market to help better one's memory. Hmmm...

Anyway, today I was mostly on the road. Sent Ben for servicing (ok, I'm referring to my BenQ laptop). Drove Matrix to the usual mechanic to examine if there was any damaged done after I mounted a curb (head on) last night. Shifted the wrong gear when I wanted to reverse during a 3-point turn as a result of an unsuccessful u-turn. Gave me a (small) shock of my life but I still remembered to wave to the taxi driver who drove pass me after witnessing the whole saga.

As I recall, this is not the first time I took planned leave and ended up dealing with an accidental incident. Just a couple of months back, I injured my foot injury from playing tennis the day before I was to go for a scheduled appointment for the same foot at CGH.

Anyway, just as I was steering into the workshop this afternoon, I saw a friend from my former Church who also sent in his car for repair. He was somewhat a family friend and he just hung up the phone with my brother-in-law, who referred him to this mechanic, when he spotted the car with a familiar car plate. (FYI, I took over Matrix from my brother-in-law). So coincidental right? Though I know, everything happens for a reason.

So we had lunch together and then visited another friend who happened to stay nearby. He had to wait a while for the repair and I had some time before my next appointment at Goldhill Plaza so I didn't mind. Incidentally, I have been thinking about this friend we were visiting at Hotel Park Royal. It was certainly good to catch up. It was also at that point that I decided that if Ben was not reparable or not worth repairing, I would settle for a macbook at the next comex. I just want my data back! All my music and pictures. Those were thus a few of the unplanned activities for the day. Cos actually, I took leave just to send Ben away.

Did some shopping at Marina Square since I was already in town. This place has almost everything that I need. Well, almost lah. I might give other shopping centres a chance. My next favourite is Parkway Parade. Anyway, I spontaneously wanted to catch a movie but was late by 10 minutes for any of them till the next batch of shows, which were after 9pm. I ended up getting a few discounted DVDs instead. Haven't watched a movie for a while. Was just having that craving. Waited for Kenneth to finish work and then, as usual, drove homeward to sup at MacD near our area.

So I guess my leave today was quite well-spent despite waking up late in the morning. I needed that rest after last night's episode of unrelented determination to publish my blog post. 'semangat' (Malay for enthu...I think).

Tomorrow's back to work and there's Worship Ministry Meeting to look forward to after work. Woohoo! Time to get our visions aligned...


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