Growing Water Babies

It's been a tiring week. Feels kinda drained out even though it's only half way through the work week.

Have recently taken up a new hobby - growing water babies. I bought them from mini toons. A few months ago I was at Ritz Carlton to sign some investment papers. The tables in the ballroom, where the session was held, each was decorated with a wine glass filled with these water babies. They were clear, transparent balls slightly bigger than the size of marbles. Apparently it was the water source for the flower placed inside the wine glasses. This is nothing new, really. Just my new fascination.

Anyway, so I was shopping one day at Parkway when I saw the water babies in assorted colours. The original state was the size of "bao-ji-wan" (what you would eat if you are suffering from diarrhea). I was delighted with what I saw, so I bought all 7 colours...and one more pack of the same colour cos it was selling cheaper per pack if you buy 4 packs. Sadly, they didn't turn out the way I expected.

To cut the long story short, after a few attempts, I realised that they only expanded to half the desired size - like those 'pearls' in bubble tea. And contrary to the picture on the packaging, the colours fade like 99% and I'm left with a jar of supposedly assorted coloured, under grown water babies that all look the same. Maybe I should use coloured-water to darken the original colour. But then if I use them to grow plants, the chemical might kill it, no?

Well, the consolation of it all is, they still make me happy. They are nice to touch, and they're really slippery and bouncy. They are fun to look at when you put them in water cos you can see the outline only if you look at them up close. Haha... ya, call it cheap thrill. I believe happy things in life don't necessary have to be expensive.

This afternoon I had a lunch meeting without lunch. Cos the person I was supposed to lunch with came after eating something at home. So much for a lunch appointment. By the time we're done talking, most of the items were sold out. Ended up eating at the canteen. Then at night I waited more than 3 hours for someone who totally forgot that we were supposed to meet. Make me miss the re-run of the Olympics Opening. Sigh, men... ahaha!


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