Filled With Yearnings

Oh, and my yearning was indeed filled at Heidi Baker's meeting tonight, well, Saturday night.

The worship was awesome, I enjoyed it even as I was conducting the Choir.

Heidi shared a few of her testimonies that demonstrated what the Beatitudes were about. They were real life testimonies - riches of the poor, martyrdom, dead prayed back to life, forgiveness of murderers, and of hardened hearts turned to Jesus in response to tenacious love.

Many times when I hear of such amazing testimonies, I can't help but doubt if it would happen to me and my ordinary life. It does take a while to absorb and genuinely take in the amazing deeds that God is doing through these people. Then it awes me to no end when they finally sink in. God is ever in the business of saving lives. If our hearts would be tender to allow Him to work through us, I believe He will count us in.

Whatever doubts I have never fail to disappear at the altar. Every step towards the front seems to cause the littlest faith I have to grow. So I talked to Papa, and I knew that He heard me as I kneeled there and bare my heart out at His feet. me to love beyond my fear of disapproval and rejection. Enlarge my heart to embrace those who might be unkind and unreasonable in their words and actions. Move me to forgive those who might have caused hurt because You have already forgiven me in my wretched state. For Your word challenges us to love the unlovable and even our enemies. Truly, what difference does it make if we only love those who love us.

The more I feel His enveloping love, I realise I know little about love and loving, and the more I yearn for more. I want my life, my face, my eyes, my actions to radiate in manifestation of who He is - He is Love.

Cynthia - Reflector of (His) Light.

Abba Father did His thing alright.

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