Near Drowning

Near drowning...

What are you thinking?? What are you trying to do!!!???


Those were the first thoughts that came to my mind to justify my anger and perhaps my inability to comprehend. I desperately need more love. Blaming is never the solution, even to all the old scores. It just traps you in a box of pain, helplessness and guilt.

So I pray you'd find release. May God give you wisdom and a clear mind to figure out the difference between the past and the present. Don't bring out the past to add unnecessary weight to faults of the present, even if they appear to be related.

May God give you the courage to do what is right, so that you would not go through another round of wrongs. He can use what you've done wrong and make it right again, if you'd let Him. Really. Nothing is impossible for Him. He is the mighty Redeemer, the God of miracle and salvation. He came to die for our sins, yours included.

I need you to make it through - for you, for me, for all of us, for all of them. Please, do it right this time. I really hate to see you spiral down the journey of guilt again. Please be strong. I will pray for you for the strength and courage you'd need. Let healing come in. Let your soul be set free from guilt. Don't let the devil have his foot hold on you.

Arise and see. Hope is just around the corner. Don't turn away to where you have been. Open your eyes to see the light. Open your heart to receive forgiveness and love. Open your mind to new beginnings. Do the right thing, and do it right.

I will be there for you. We all will, if you'd let us.


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