Bitterness Runs Deep

Betrayal, deception, breach of trust.

If we're not careful, it will indefinitely produce a heart of bitterness.


A time of privileged sharing brought to knowledge a certain incident of betrayal of a trusting friend. By God's grace this friend did not succumb to bearing grudges, but made the choice not to take action. However, the pain of the betrayal lingered, dressed in the disguise of anxiety, hence not detected until after more than half a decade.

Nevertheless, this precious soul looked to God for comfort and direction, and God unveiled the pain within, and that the true need was not peace to overcome the feeling of anxiety, but healing of a broken spirit.

Proverbs 18:14
The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?

I admire the courage of this precious soul whom I adore and look up to. Indeed those who seek truth shall find it. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled, and are called "blessed". Those who look to God, He will by no means turn away.

Bitterness creates barrier around one's heart. So do not be deceived by the one who came to kill, steal, and destroy. Overcome evil with good. Lay it down and choose to forgive, and allow God to heal the brokenness from the deep inside out.


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