Let's Just Be Friends

Was watching "It's So Over - 50 Biggest Celebrity Break-ups" on Channel 5. I don't usually watch entertainment news, unless I don't feel like doing anything else. A movie/dinner deal didn't come through so I was kinda stuck at home with a left swollen eyelid. Probably better this way - sometimes it's better not to insist. Anyways...

Well, out of the 50 break-ups, 3 of the couples were from the reality show - The Bachelor. I recall watching a few of the late night episodes at random and vaguely remember it's elimination process, the bitching of all those women against each other, setting themselves up for emotional roller coaster rides. Some were pretty serious, and were ostensibly giving all they have in the hope to be the one chosen. Yet, as authentic as it had appeared on TV, and perhaps at that point of time they were genuine in their feelings with all the hypes, these 3 couples did not last, one of them barely made it to a month.

I know it's just an entertainment news programme, but all the divorces and break-ups made me realise something. The world is falling apart in fidelity and commitment. Reasons attributed to the break-ups were mostly situational, circumstantial, personality incompatitability - typical irresponsible comments.

So what happened to the vows to stay together, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us depart? Doesn't that eliminate the circumstantial stuff? So even if they say this, they don't always mean it? If they do, and had that in mind before committing to a relationship, I'm sure there would be less break-ups.

Everything is not what it seems. Everybody is becoming so unreal, acting cool, while some exaggerate one's action to hide true feelings and desires. We have allowed ourselves to evolve in our values, perceptions, even our actions based on stories in drama series, movies etc., and of course, our own deteriorating self-centreness. Disillusioned.

Does anybody know how to love anymore? Can't people keep to their words anymore? Or we flee at the first sign of inconvenience, first sight of something new. Has this become our thinking pattern? If we can't commit, let's not start. Just be friends, and stay that way - physically and emotionally. Get a grip of yourself.

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