My Personality Profile

My Personality Profile
from be2:

rationality vs. emotionality
Rational people mainly draw on facts for decisions and are particularly quiet, able to analyze and argue logically. Emotional people are more likely to incorporate emotions into their decisions - the solution has to be a "good fit". Sensitivity, empathy and an ability to sense moods mark out their personality.

Your personal profile: balanced, with a tendency towards emotionality

You often make decisions instinctively. Feelings play a greater part in your decision making than rational deliberations.

tradition vs. innovation
People with a strong inclination towards innovation are open to change and welcome it. People who tend towards tradition desire stability and are wary of change.

Your personal profile: moderate, tending towards high, inclination to innovate

You strive for change and excitement more than most people. Nevertheless, you do occasionally value the comfort that routine brings.

distance vs. attachment
Attachment describes the extent emotions are evoked by exterior stimuli in a person. People with a high need for attachment react more sensitively to stimuli than distanced people.

Your personal profile: high tendency towards attachment

You are a person who tends towards attachment in every respect. When you feel good you are enthusiastic and infectious in your fervour; when you feel bad, it can't be concealed. You often react strongly to emotional situations, in the positive and negative sense.

observation vs. feeling
People with a strong inclination towards cognitive perception take in the facts and details of the surrounding world, the way reality presents them. A feeling person prefers to deal with correlations, ideas and associations, which are intuitive rather than obvious.

Your personal profile: balanced, with a tendency towards feeling

You like drawing conjectures and looking for hidden crossover effects between information and facts. To restrict yourself only to hard facts is too boring for you.

structure vs. integration
People who tend toward structure like their surroundings to be organized and predictable: this puts them in control. Their behavior is dominated by the left, logically structuring, side of the brain. Integrating personalities like to be open to experiences and encounter new opportunities. Their behavior is dominated by the right, interlinking, side of the brain.

Your personal profile: balanced, with a tendency towards integration

Multiple possibilities motivate you. You enjoy an open perspective. Too much rigidity constricts you.


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