Lost And Found

I lost a friend to depression on 8 Feb this year. It was a grievous realisation that she's gone. I'm not sure if I've fully come to terms with it and how much I would miss her when it finally sinks in one day.

God is still good. He caused me to bump into Jessie Yip. My singing kaki during my early years in Cornerstone Community Church. It was formerly known as Bedok Christian Centre. She has a strong and lovely voice and I've always enjoyed singing with her. Of all places in Singapore, we met in a lift at SGH Block 4. We were both visiting our mother. Her's on level 6 and mine on level 8. We could have so easily missed each other. But we didn't...

I've been trying to look for her for quite a while. I think of her often, and especially this year, I don't know why. I tried to trace back to those who know her but the link was cut. I was so very sad. But all in good time, we met up today. Found out that she stays very near me. I'm going to meet up with her this Sunday after worship rehearsal! So much to talk about!


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