Love Never Fails

by Jentezen Franklin

God wants you to experience a love like no other. When you love others, I believe you will receive perfect love in your own life.

To help you experience this amazing love, I want to give you some practical Biblical steps you can take to find the love of your life.

Hear and speak truth in love.
According to Ephesians 4:15, we all need to hear and speak the truth in love. When you are heading down the wrong path, God will send His messengers to help turn you around. Be sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and spiritual leaders, and gain knowledge from God's Word. Rejoice in correction because it means God cares about you.

Choose love.
Scripture commands us to "set your affections" (Colossians 3:2). We are not slaves to instinct. Make the choice to love your spouse and uphold your marriage vows. Make the choice to love your children and pray for them. Make the choice to love God by spending time with Him in prayer, in the Word and through regular times of fasting. True love doesn't give up.

Accept God's love.
Jesus Christ gave Himself as a sacrificial lamb and shed His blood for your sins. It is a love no one deserves, but a love that can change your life and eternity ... if you accept it. When you find yourself in a downward spiral, the Spirit of God can lift you up (Psalm 23:3). Whether you have experienced a death in your family, a layoff from work, a bad health report, a divorce or some other trial, God has given you the power to "bounce back." Let God's love restore you!

Put love into action.
How do we show Christ our own love for Him? In John 21:17, "Jesus said to him, 'Feed My Sheep'." One of our greatest commands as believers is to love the weak and hurting — God's sheep. When you put love into action in Christ's name, you are showing Jesus your love for Him with miraculous results.

I encourage you to choose love no matter what the circumstance ... it will change your life!


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