Out Of Sync

Was almost bed bound on Thursday. Had a fever from the night before with flu and the works. Friday was in a groggy state because of the medicine so it was a rather difficult day to go through the day and to stay over night in school for student camp. Didn't sleep much. Yes, it's that time of the year again. 3 more to go next week. Thank God the CCA Awards Ceremony has been postponed 2 weeks.

So the first camp went quite well. Even though the camp debrief with the committee ended a little after 3pm, there were so much to take care of before I can shut down my computer. By the time I reach home, it's after midnight. It felt like a Saturday but it was already Sunday. So tired out I didn't make it to Church in the morning. Still sick.

Prior to this Fri-Sat overnight camp was another last minute arranged Tue-Wed overnight with the Choir members because of an early-morning performance at an International Conference. I didn't sleep much at all.

Remind myself not to so readily agree to a morning performance. Especially not when the students have to report at the venue at 8am with their costumes and make-up AND hairdo. They were told to doll themselves like brides. The time of the day really felt like a wedding, too. It would have been easier it I only had to deal with one bride.

Aside from a few, the students were actually very cooperative. A little bit of shooing was inevitable and we were a little behind time at first. But the traffic was very smooth so we were there much earlier than expected. Phew...

The performance, according to endless compliments after, was fantastic. Everyone was happy. Yay! I'm happy too. Also glad that it was finally over. The fuss over this one is unprecedented. Oh well, at least it paid off. Expect to get more demanding in future.

I'm feeling a bit lost. Not just the consciousness of which day of the week I'm at, but also which part of my life. I can't see what the present has to do with my past and much less, the future. Maybe I'll find some answers at Church Camp, between tomorrow and Thursday. It'll be my first time driving beyond the border to Thistle, JB.

I've yet to pack, change money, fill the tank with gas. A bit unwilling to go out.


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