Fruity Foot

So it was not really a sprain. I didn't remember any of such episode anyway. That's why I was waiting for it to get better over the last week, thinking that I wouldn't be walking a lot during Church Camp. In fact I slept quite a lot during the 4-day stay at Thistle, JB. :D

The Sinseh said it was because I walked too much before the period my right foot started feeling the effect, accumulated as the day goes by as long as I never fully rested. Come to think of it, it could even be from Graduation week. The long walks between SAA and TCC, literally the east and west of campus, more than twice a day for 4 days. Then without resting enough, we came to the week with all the rehearsals, stayover and the actual performances for the International Conference on Learning & Teaching at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel.

It wasn't a sprain, but it was equally painful. More so by the day. The more I don't let it rest and even a small amount of walking could have aggravated it. Sunday was the ultimate at Marina Square. Thought I was just going to visit one shop and go home. End up a much longer walk than I had planned.

After work on Monday, I decided that it was not going to get any better no matter how little I was going to be on foot. This morning I took half day leave to see the Chinese Sinseh at Bedok Reservoir Road. The last time I went there the Sinseh was 2001 because of my left foot. After looking at my condition, he recommended me to get it XRay-ed to confirm that it was a fracture.

Thank God this time it's not on the bone. The treatment was not painful. The Sinseh was very gentle in fact. Very careful as he moved his hands to massage the ointment unto my foot. So now my right foot is all white and bulky with a few rounds of bandage, and a netting to secure the whole bundle together. The netting looks like the styrofoan stuff you'll see in the fruit stall, used to wrap and protect those apples separately.

Hope I won't feel any itch to enable me to keep the bandage on till Thu morning. I was given a pack of pills to take 6 of them, 3 times a day. The pills are the usual Chinese medicine kind of black stuff and they look 'hand made' with the inconsistent roundness. I think it would be wise to say grace before I eat them, ahahaha...

Now I'm contemplating if I should get my head checked. Has been getting this on and off (mostly on) pain across from my left to right temples. I wonder if this is what they called migraine. Better stop watching shows on my tiny ASUS screen for prolonged period of time. Limit to one movie or 2 episodes of series at a time. Time for some paracetamol dosage again.


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