Not Even Close To The Last

It seems like I've been looking forward to a moving target and never reaching there. Working towards event after event, never really settling down. It sends a small shiver down my spine thinking, what if this is going to be how it's gonna be for a longer while than I expected.
For now, just this week, it's one stayover for the last camp of this short 2-week vacation, which, for the record, admin staff in IHLs operate the same as any company (i.e. we don't have automatic vacation with the students). In fact, we're busier this season.
Tomorrow, TP Chorale is hosting 5 Choirs from 4 Secondary Schools and 1 JC to have a half-day exchange on campus. All thanks for our Conductor, this would be the first time the Chorale (actually any of my groups) is doing something like that.
It would be quite exciting. Just hope that the members behave themselves like how young adults supposed to behave. You know, at this age, they are 'not here not there'. Well, some adults don't exactly act their age. Behaviour is socially determined anyway. Who can really say how one person should reaaaalllyyy behave at a certain age. Who's the benchmark?
After this, it's CCA Awards Ceremony, SAF Combined Re-dedication Day, 3rd National Band Competition. National Day Celebration. If I express a sigh of unending-ness, I think it's fair to say that it's not about losing stamina. IT'S REALLY A LOT OF EVENTS EH!!!.
And my real job is not Events Manager, can? It's Student Development Officer/Arts. Sometimes there are so many 'extras', it is a big concern to me that I'm down playing what really matters. All are not brainless activities and surely require a lot of time to do a good job - to keep the plates spinning.
So what's my stabling factor? I guess at the end of the day, a designation is just a title. My real Appraiser is God. My benchmark is Jesus. I work towards being Christ-like in all that I do. I'm created to worship Him, to bring Him pleasure. That's what's unchanging, no matter how my job has evolved.
Abba Father, I need Your grace to persevere. To do the right things, and to do them You. If this is where You have placed me, this is where I want to be.