Minding My Father's Business

I felt so much love and adoration for Abba Father today. Praise and worship was awesome. Such liberty, and so engaging. Thank You, Father. It was such a great thrill, I want more of it!

I felt He has opened the eyes of my heart today to receive the message on zeal.

Z = Zeal
E = Equals
A = Anti
L = Lukewarmness

Sometimes it seems that we are living in a culture that promotes apathy, unaffectedness. When you appear to be too enthusiastic about something, you get those stares as if you're so uncool. Now, everything has to be cool, smooth, no sweat, chill.

If something is really worth living and fighting for, your words, thoughts and deeds would reflect it as it burns inside you. You wouldn't care even if it makes you look like a fool in the eyes of the world. What matters is, what are you passionate about?

Jesus was not afraid to flip the tables of those turning His Father's house of prayer into dens of thieves. Are you afraid to stand for God's standard of righteousness?

Just like you can give without loving, but you can't love without giving; you can have work without faith, but you can't have faith without work...because that would be dead faith.

The same applies to zeal.

You can have action without zeal (just look cool only), but you can't have zeal without action.

If you're preoccupied with an outward appearance of coolness, like it doesn't bother you... well, don't get too used to it. One day, when it's time for you to be radical about what really matters, your pride will be so established that you might be too afraid or become too awkward to be moved even if you want to.

Jesus' food is to do the will of the Father. His nourishment, the essence of His life, is to act on the desires of the one He looks up to continuously.

What can't I live without? If the most basic of basics of Jesus is that of His Father's business, then it should be something that I wouldn't want to do without.

Where You Go I Go - Kim Walker

Stir up within me, Holy Spirit, an unquenchable zeal for my Father's business. That His name may be hallowed, His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I need to be fed daily with Your bread of life and living water, to forgive and be forgiven. I need Your gracious guidance and merciful deliverance. You are the Everlasting God and Your kingdom knows no end. Power and glory belongs to You. For You alone are worthy. No one else. And I want all these to be reflected in my life as my worship towards You. All I need, all I want, is YOU! Bring me there!


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