Saying "No"

Yep, I said "no" to myself yesterday. Was convicted by Pst Yang's message that morning and by faith received the gift of discernment of spirits. I believe it was in operation that afternoon, too. When it comes to the affairs of the heart, you can't be too easy on yourself. It is so deceitful, it may well cause one's downfall.

I have so much I want to blog about, but I just don't know where to start. One thing that has been in my heart lately - Corporate Anointing is the way to go if we want to see God move powerfully during times of worship in service.

In my own self-centered thinking, I was, for awhile, tired of corporate worship. But I've become very much convicted that God desires that His people offer Him praise and worship corporately, as much as He desires our personal worship during our quiet time. There's a time for everything, isn't it. And it's about God. We come together to offer our acceptable worship unto Him, regardless of how boring sometimes it may be, or how busy we are. When we truly worship, we do it His way.

Much more in my mind. Guess I'll just let it remain within me till my thoughts get sorted out. Meanwhile, I'll continue to do what I'm supposed to do with the seemingly and relatively less significant things - work (lol). Hopefully, He will find me worthy to be entrusted with more.

Faithfully, faithfully, from the smaller things to the GREAT.

"The greatest of these is love."


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