All For That Audience Of ONE!

Strangely, my blogger posts haven't been cross-posted to my multiply site. I tried to activate it again, and the next day, so many of my old posts also kenah posted there...took me a while to delete them. Well, hopefully it is now properly activated. If this post doesn't get crossed over, might have to go manual. Sianz...

So I attended this workshop on Thursday at Trinity @ Paya Lebar - (very long title) Getting the best out of your worship vocals. Arranging vocals, feel, dynamics and presentation.

Learnt quite a bit from Wayne Huirua, Worship Pastor from Equippers Church Auckland who was the former Music Director/Producer of Parachute Band.

All the things he shared today sounded a chord within me which further engrave the convictions I felt regarding the Worship Ministry - who we are and our responsibility as ministers serving God's people.

The gist of the 2-hour session pertains to our role as God's priests and prophets in the house of God.

Our job is to help the congregation carry their sacrifices to God. Everyone has their offerings to bring. So as worship leaders, we work towards creating that atmosphere that will help people reach out to God. And in creating that 'atmosphere', it means that the worship team has to be tight in technical skills as well as spiritually. This comes with praying and worshipping together as a team as much as rehearsing to get everything technically right.

As the people at the forefront, we represent the work of God in His house. Hence, we need to know the things that God is doing in the Church and discern what His people are going through, being a part of it, having that experience together as a corporate body. One defining question to ask ourselves - do we know what God is saying to our Church this season?

When on stage, we need to be in a position where we are constantly found to have God's word worked out in our heart, producing grace, possessing boldness to draw near to God by faith. All these are expressed through our music and voice.

To be effective on stage, we need to lose the insecurity within us. We need to be secured of our identity in Christ, knowing why we are placed in the position to minister to His people and God. Insecurity stems from the concern of what others think about us when we should be more concern about others. How can we lead the congregation when we can't lead ourselves to step out?

We need to (1) recognise who God is, (2) acknowledge His attributes, and (3) give Him the worth that's due His name. So, let's not be too obsessed with how the congregation feel at the end of the worship session, what they got out of it, when we should be more concerned about how God felt. Was He glorified? Did He feel loved, honoured, adored, glorified?

We do have an audience of ONE!


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