Prolonged Affliction

It's either food poisoning or the prescription from CGH to clear my system the day before my scope. I've been in and out of the bathroom for more than 10 times today.

Early this morning, I woke up at 8am, trying to get myself ready to get out of the house. But the minute I sat up from my sleep, I kind of knew that I would not be able to fulfill what I set out to do the night before. I gave myself another half hour to monitor my condition before I determined that it was definitely not going to be possible. I felt my stomach was turned upside down after a few trips.

Literally drained, I was glad I managed to sleep through pockets of time, only waking up to phone calls and "toilet breaks". By the time I could fully wake up, it was around 4 plus in the afternoon. Occasionally, like now (11.14pm), I feel like something is going to come out of me, both ways. It's horrible.

I hope I'll feel better tomorrow morning, or I'll have to call in sick for work.

PS: I'm sorry. I really wanted to help with picking up the instruments from school today, however difficult it was for me to come to that decision last night.


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