National Day Steamboat Lunch

Today I had steamboat lunch at home. What a way to celebrate National Day! Have been wanting to do this with the band comm since don't know when. Finally, it came to pass.

4 of us, myself, Kenneth, Law Wei and Jing Ting, we're eating 5 person's share of steamboat food cos Grace couldn't make it last minute. The marketing was done and we were already in the middle of preparing the food when she smsed. Too bad the rest of the band comm couldn't make it either. Wei Jie & Li Hong was performing at Esplanade Park with Mus'Art. The rest had prior engagements.

So actually, it was only half-fulfilled. Nonetheless, I felt it was time well-spent.

We managed to finish most of the food. After the dipping and eating, we cleared the table and played a few rounds of mahjong. Took a break to watch National Day Parade 'live' telecast, but before the fireworks came about, we all agreed to resume the game...cos the parade was too boring. I even nearly fell asleep in the middle. But then, that could be due to the early morning marketing, hee...

Anyway, I personally felt that this year's NDP was such a let down. Spent all the money and effort to put up a grand show at the specially constructed floating stage and the formations could hardly be seen due to, what I think was, a bad contrast in stage lightings and costumes. The water and laser display and the narration by some roller blader in red reminded me of the musical fountain show at Sentosa. A bit too cheesy for my liking. The performers doing the formations didn't do well either. Totally lack standard...not tight at all.

Oh well, at least the disappointment was well-compensated by the company of guests. Thanks Kenneth for helping with the marketing, food preparation and for bringing the steamboat pot, Law Wei for coming all the way down from the far west and Jing Ting for being the guide, haha! I hope you guys had a good time. See ya tomorrow!


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