So What Does The Man Want?

Before I begin, I should first disclaim that this is not about men. But THE MAN. Well it's my blog so I don't have to explain too much.

I just wanna slap my own face and tell myself...BACK OFF! Try to understand, if I must, though I can't, but don't expect others to want to be understood. So don't try to probe where it is not my position to do so. Not everyone wants to be understood, or to be known. Don't put people in a difficult position to have to stay away to avoid unwanted revelation.

Sometimes we think that just because we want to be understood by someone means it should be the same for the other person. Perhaps the most obvious test would be, who's asking more personal questions than the other. Try to match.

Personal spaces have to be respected and maintained accordingly. Don't go round digging from 3rd parties what was not revealed from the horse's mouth. That's actually quite disrespectful.

Trust has to be earned, not coerced.

Deep regrets don't guarantee acceptance of apology. Some things can never be undone.


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