Home Away From Home

It was our first session at AG Home tonight. 6 female volunteers and about 20 something teenage girls supervised by their AD, in one old classroom, coming together in a manner which would never have been possible if not for the love and grace of God. This is a new initiative by CCSC which would only occupy the fifth Monday of the month - as and when there's one. So the next session to be conducted by this team is in Jan 2012.

Led worship today, accompanied on the guitar by Christine. 赞美主, Let Evereything That Has Breath, and Still. Went through the songs very briefly - the girls sang especially loudly for the 3rd song. The session was a bit draggy, I thought. The girls were a little restless but I guess most of them were tired. Not many were believers but they were generally cooperative.

It was a rather enjoyable experience. What would it take for them to worship God for real?


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