011011 - Dedicated To 大姐

The date today is like a waltz.

It was a good day, albeit a slip down the same lane. Bugger...

Anyway, besides the fact that it's Children's Day, it's also 大姐's birthday. All of us, except David's family, went to her house to celebrate her forty-... better don't say :S Haha, anyway, as usual, it's just eat and eat, laze around, chit chat. It's a relaxing and enjoyable family affairs, as always.

大姐 has always been perceived as the stabilizer in the family. She took care of almost everything about mom during her few episodes of surgery and cancer treatments, her claims, etc. Important decisions would get through her to ensure we made the right moves. Something trivia, but I vividly remember her correcting me when she was tutoring my Accounting subject, that I should ask in English, not Teochew. On a more serious note, I know that if I have some life's decision to make, I can turn to her and trust her wisdom on the matter.

大姐 - Blessed Birthday and stay young at heart!


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