
Showing posts from February, 2011

My Personality Profile

My Personality Profile from be2: rationality vs. emotionality Rational people mainly draw on facts for decisions and are particularly quiet, able to analyze and argue logically. Emotional people are more likely to incorporate emotions into their decisions - the solution has to be a "good fit". Sensitivity, empathy and an ability to sense moods mark out their personality. Your personal profile: balanced, with a tendency towards emotionality You often make decisions instinctively. Feelings play a greater part in your decision making than rational deliberations. tradition vs. innovation People with a strong inclination towards innovation are open to change and welcome it. People who tend towards tradition desire stability and are wary of change. Your personal profile: moderate, tending towards high, inclination to innovate You strive for change and excitement more than most people. Nevertheless, you do occasionally value the comfort that routine brings. distance vs. attachment A...

Lost And Found

I lost a friend to depression on 8 Feb this year. It was a grievous realisation that she's gone. I'm not sure if I've fully come to terms with it and how much I would miss her when it finally sinks in one day. God is still good. He caused me to bump into Jessie Yip. My singing kaki during my early years in Cornerstone Community Church. It was formerly known as Bedok Christian Centre. She has a strong and lovely voice and I've always enjoyed singing with her. Of all places in Singapore, we met in a lift at SGH Block 4. We were both visiting our mother. Her's on level 6 and mine on level 8. We could have so easily missed each other. But we didn't... I've been trying to look for her for quite a while. I think of her often, and especially this year, I don't know why. I tried to trace back to those who know her but the link was cut. I was so very sad. But all in good time, we met up today. Found out that she stays very near me. I'm going to meet up with ...

Love Never Fails

LOVE NEVER FAILS by Jentezen Franklin God wants you to experience a love like no other. When you love others, I believe you will receive perfect love in your own life. To help you experience this amazing love, I want to give you some practical Biblical steps you can take to find the love of your life. Hear and speak truth in love. According to Ephesians 4:15, we all need to hear and speak the truth in love. When you are heading down the wrong path, God will send His messengers to help turn you around. Be sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and spiritual leaders, and gain knowledge from God's Word. Rejoice in correction because it means God cares about you. Choose love. Scripture commands us to "set your affections" (Colossians 3:2). We are not slaves to instinct. Make the choice to love your spouse and uphold your marriage vows. Make the choice to love your children and pray for them. Make the choice to love God by spending time with Him in prayer, in the Word an...