Resting For The Longer Journey Ahead
I wanted to write about today this morning. It was pouring heavily till about 11am. I was in my bed the whole morning. In my half-awake state, I contemplated about not going to work today because my right foot has not been recovering much. I concluded that I did not let it rest fully enough. For the past 4 days, the accumulated exertion has caused much pain by the time I set foot at home. The decision was realised at about 8.40am as I sms to my colleagues that I'm taking urgent leave. So, instead of blogging, I was busy emailing, sms-ing, and msn-ing to settle some outstanding stuff at work, mostly for a performance assignment by one of my group this coming Sunday, which my colleague will be covering because one of her groups is also performing for the same event. On my way to get my foot wrapped at the Chinese Physio, I drove my car for inspection at VICOM. That didn't take much walking, thank God. Today's the only day I can do it before the end-of-June deadline. Went stra...