Fit To Be A Ninang?

My sister say I look like a teacher in this photo, haha!

This morning I had a short online chat with Sis Jane from the Philippines and got to know that Ps Winston's wife, Mary Jane, has delivered a healthy baby girl yesterday (2 Sep 09) morning. I was anxiously waiting for the good news for the whole of yesterday, but those I chatted with didn't seem to know. So was really glad for the confirmation today.

Then shortly after, an sms from Maureen really made my day. She conveyed that the baby is named Esther Faith! I was absolutely thrilled, cos last week, over an online chat with Ps Winston, I suggested that name! And I told him in our most recent chat that it was also the first name that Maureen blurted out when I only mentioned to her that I suggested "Faith" (his first girl, Eunice, has a middle name, 'Hope', and faith was much needed for this one). A confirmation further confirmed by the parents themselves. Haha!

Sooooo happy! Haha! I think I'm going to be in a super good mood today, hee hee...

So happy that I told Maureen I want to be the godma, hur hur... But hor, what does it really mean to be a Ninang in the Filippino context? I read that there are people who are invited to be a ninang/ninong (for men), but got people self-invite and asked to be one? Will I qualify even if I'm not rich? :P

Hmmm, food for thought...


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