A Day After 09.09.09

It's down time for me today, and I think it started since yesterday.

You know things are obviously not well when you feel all the should have's and could have's all through the day, and you keep putting off things you need to do before you even tell yourself you are going to put them off.

I feel like just going to sleep now and start with a brand new day just to make me feel better. Sigh...but what's the point? Then I'd just be putting it off again.

Vicious cycle.

So I'm just blogging this to remind myself that on the day after the day that I was supposed to blog because I told myself (for the whole day) I wanted to blog on a day with beautiful date (09.09.09) *take a deep breath* of what a terrible strings of decisions I've made. Hopefully, it'll help to minimize recurrence.

I felt like Roman 7:15, "For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do"

Or maybe I've overrated myself. But I really need to dial the 999 of the line above.

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