My Day

It was really delightful to receive so many birthday wishes on Facebook. For the record, it was on Monday, 20 Jul. So here I am writing about it, lol...

Actually, celebration started on Friday. Colleagues gave me a lunch treat. Let's see, Catherine, Fayanne, Hwee Hoon, Sheena and Anne. We went to this vegetarian eatery opposite TP. Some of the dishes we ordered were really good. Look at the photo, what a spread!

Fayanne made me a chocolate cheese cake which I took home 1/4 of it. Said she stayed up till 2am for it. So touched :~) Then they bought me and one of our temp staff, Samantha (we shared the same birthday) a cake (my favourite kind) and went through the usual whole-office-sing-birthday-song 'ritual'. Haha...

Sunday after Prison Ministry, went home to pick up mom and dad and we went to Mui's house where the family celebrated for me with another cake (that's like the 3rd one before my actual birthday)

With nieces and nephews

With mom and sisters

Took leave on my birthday on Monday. Had an appointment at California Fitness Centre due to this birthday treat promotion 14-day free trial. Anyway, most of the time spent there was talking to the personal trainer who showed me around to try out some equipment and did a physical profiling, and the sales guy. They tried really hard to get me to sign up a membership and personal training package, but respectfully, after much thought, I decided not to.

After that I went to have my late lunch at Marina Square's Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe. Had my favourite red bean ice, of course. I had this $15 member's birthday coupon so after a full meal, I only paid $5. Also had a bit of $XW to redeem.

My half full/empty red bean ice

Tried this fried fish slice bee hoon soup, plus the best bean curd skin roll with prawn filling (already ate one), and pork rib dim sum (not in photo).

Final destination was Attitude Plus, the shop that I usually get my clothes. Both lady bosses were in that day. I had a good time with them while trying on some new range. They even bought me a slice of cake from Secret Recipe after I told them I took leave today for my birthday. I ended hanging out there to chit chat with them till the shop closed.

Amazing...if not for this place, I'd still be wearing t-shirt and denim skirt to work everyday. Lol...

Me with Yizhen, Linda and Joanne

So that ended my day out.


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